Friday, May 9, 2014

Shark Attack Entertainment Logo

:( This is my final project for class....IM REALLY GONNA MISS BEING LATE FOR CLASS! T_T

Friday, February 28, 2014

Album Cover " White" by The Great Hamboni

Movie Poster

         I chose the movie poster from the movie "Black Swan". I like this poster because of the image it portrays, she is strong, confident, and shows a bit arrogance. The soft touch of an ivory white in the back insentuates how detached from the rest of the world in her own mind. What I like the most about this image is how her eyes always seems to draw you to look into them. A demanding respect that cut right through you.

Friday, January 24, 2014


What is your computer experience?
I've studied and majored in computer networking and computer repair in high school and I self taught myself.

What is your experience with with photoshop or illustrator?

Do you have a computer at home? If so does it have photoshop or illustrator?
I do have a computer at home. However it does not have photoshop or illustrator but, I can install them I any given moment.

What is your major?
Video game design.

What do you hope to get out of this class?
A better understanding in the operation of image editing software.

Who is your favorite artist?
Who ever makes something I like.

Who is your favorite musician?
who ever wrote something I like.

Tell me something interesting about yourself?
Im .......

Write a five line story?
What I wanted was not rule but to lead. What I wanted to create was hope for people to believe. I stand in my throne room staring forward in to my throne and what I see is a man I've never seen before. Very familiar he looks in size, shape, and stature. Except with a hole in his neck and men cheering "Freedom!" with their departure.